
PicoWiki is a super tiny and simple file-based Wiki system.

Screenshot of the main page of PicoWiki



See Setup for instructions.


Plugins use Event Hooks to attach new features and alter functionality on the run, a new plugin must have a run() method that will be executed whenever you specify. Check out /backend/plugins/ to find available plugins.

To disable a plugin, simply move it away from the plugins folder (i.e. in a subfolder such as plugins/deactivated).



License & Contact

© 2018-2019 Xavi Esteve. Licensed under MIT.

Parsedown by Emanuil Rusev also licensed under a MIT License.

Some plugins made by their respective authors.


PicoWiki is a single PHP class with 7 methods, all in less than 100 lines of code, ready to be extended. New features I can think of right (through plugins) now are:

If you'd like to contribute please do, I am quite active on Github and usually merge Pull Requests in a few hours/days. Any code submitted will follow the same license as PicoWiki.

It's easy to contribute! When I say PicoWiki is tiny I mean it 😊 The whole app is just this code:

Screenshot of the code of PicoWiki where you can see that it is less than 100 lines of code